Haile Selassie: “Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who should have acted, the indifference of those who should have known better, the silence of justice when it mattered most, that has made it possible for evil to triumph.”

In 1935, Benito Mussolini attacks Ethiopia without warning. Ethiopia is of no use to Italy other than a chance to avenge past battles. The Emperor, Ras Tafari Mukonnen or Haile Selassie, assembled his armies, but only postponed italian victory. After a final battle, lead personally by Selassie, Selassie fled from the advancing italian army. However, Selassie did not glee to a military stronghold, but rather to sacred churches in the mountains of Lalibela. He spent days of fasting and prayer before meeting with other ethiopian leaders and family. To save his own life and the lives of his family, Selassie went into exile in Jerusalem. While in exile, Selassie continued to help his people in the newly declared “Italian Empire.” When Selassie went before an alliance of the european nations, the League of Nations that was organized to protect europe, the League merely listened instead of acted. But Selassie did not retreat again.

What’s amazing is not the fact that Selassie never quit, but that after five years of exile, after seeing his people be killed by chemical warfare, after being mocked and jeered at by the organization set up to protect is people, after so much injustice, The last thing that Selassie looked for was compensation.  Selassie said, “Don not return evil for evil…  Take care not to spoil the good name of Ethiopia by acts which are worthy of the enemy.”  From his name “Ras Tafari Mukonnen” the religion “rastafari” emerged.  His view and desire for world peace and tranquility is still shared by many.  Bob Marley’s songs were inspired by Selassie and Selassie’s nickname became the symbol of rastafarianism, “The Lion”.  By the rastafarians, Selassie is much more than an exemplary man, but “God” incarnated.

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